bumpdate: 30 weeks

I’ve had lots of musings throughout this pregnancy, but in true second-child fashion, they’re just now coming to fruition — 30 weeks in. 

This is unrelated to pregnancy, but after two years of graduate school, I’ve  finally reached the portion of the program where I am focused primarily on clinical rotations relevant to my future career rather than bookwork. The first couple of years of the program were content heavy, and to be honest, it was completely unenjoyable for me. Now that I spend most of my days interacting with patients in the role of a provider, I finally feel like things are my speed. All that to say, my desire to do things I once enjoyed — like blogging— have flooded back.

The first trimester of this pregnancy was very similar to my experience with Dawson. The extreme fatigue made it nearly impossible to function, yet I somehow also suffered from insomnia. Even when I did sleep, I’d have bizarre and vivid dreams. I’ve had migraines and experienced more nausea this time around, but cravings and aversions remained the same. I couldn’t get enough citrus, starch or salt and vinegar and had a short-lived craving for candy, specifically Big Hunk, Hot Tamales and Sour Patch Kids, just like last time. Aversions during the first few months included coffee, chocolate and chicken. Coffee and chocolate are back in the rotation, but the only chicken I’ve had this pregnancy is grilled nuggets from Chick-fil-A. 

Around 13 weeks — way earlier than with Dawson — I felt some flutters here and there. The initial inconsistency of feeling the baby move is anxiety-inducing for me. Thankfully, she moves so much now — way more than Dawson ever did— that I never have to worry about her wellbeing. It’s often distracting and I absolutely love it.

With the start of the second trimester — almost to the day — came a positive turn with this pregnancy, just like it did with Dawson. The cravings and aversions lifted and my energy returned, which is all I can really ask for. My hormones have raged most of the time; I cry on a regular basis, which isn’t typical of me, and I’m just generally emotional. As difficult as it can be to manage, I love the raw emotional state that I experience during pregnancy. It brings out a side of me that feels very feminine and I truly love. I can’t quite describe it, but something about being pregnant makes me feel complete. 

At 18 weeks, we found out she was a girl. Had Dawson not been convinced all along that it was a girl, I would have thought that we were for sure having a boy.  Prior to finding out her sex, I was desperate to feel connected to the baby inside of me, but nothing I did changed the lack of connection I felt. I remember feeling that way throughout my pregnancy with Dawson. When they placed him on my chest and I laid eyes on him for the first time, I remember feeling in shock that there was actually a real baby there. I assumed that would be my experience this time around too. But the minute I learned we were having a girl, everything changed. I can’t explain it, but truly I feel like I’ve known her forever — like she’s finally coming to join us. 

I hit the third trimester a few weeks ago, and it feels like kind of like a mild version of the first: I’m exhausted and don’t have much of an appetite. I’m definitely not eating as healthy or working out to the same extent that I was during my pregnancy with Dawson. It has affected both my mental and physical states, and I’ve had to work hard to make peace with the fact that I’m doing the best I can given how different my life is this time around. I already feel heavily pregnant, which is something I didn’t experience much until the very end with Dawson, so that’s somewhat alarming considering I have 10 weeks left.

I truly cannot wrap my head around how fast this pregnancy has gone. Forty weeks felt like an eternity with Dawson. A small piece of me is rightfully terrified to have a newborn again, mostly given our overloaded life circumstances, but the majority of me can’t wait. I feel more equipped this time around and can’t wait to do it all over again with the perspective I have now. We can’t wait to meet you, sweet girl!

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