Baby #2

With overflowing joy and waves of fear, we announce that we are expecting baby #2 in September!

Although it’s no body’s business, I understand that people may be wondering if we’re crazy enough to have planned this while I’m in the middle of a rigorous graduate program. While we don’t owe anyone an answer, I do gain a sense of empowerment and strength when I share my story, so in the spirit of self-disclosure, I’d like to add that this pregnancy came as a surprise to us. It’s proof that even we we try our best, we control so little of what happens in life.

Josh and I have absolutely had a desire to grow our family and our logical plan was to wait until I was finishing school next year. But this is certainly a welcome surprise. If you could lay eyes on my journal entries from 2018 you’d read about my heart aching for another baby. You’d see prayers asking for peace and patience in waiting for God’s timing.

It turns out, I didn’t have to wait until I was done with school.

It turns out, I’d waited long enough.

With two days left in 2018, I woke up at 3 a.m. and decided to take a pregnancy test to confirm what my body was already telling me. As I saw those two lines appear, I felt a rush of peace and joy as I stood there in the silence of our home, overwhelmed by God’s plan for our life and for the life of this little one growing inside me. It was an intimate moment where God’s goodness was palpable to my soul. Tears filled my eyes as I recognized that this was him giving me the desires of my heart.

But there are still some unknowns — some blanks yet to be filled in, and that can be intimidating. I do know that I will still be continuing in school. After the baby arrives I will have just 11 months left. A major perk of being a midwifery student is having full support and flexibility from my advisor and professors, for which I am so thankful.

My life has proved over and over again that God is faithful, that his timing is perfect and that he uses all things for his glory. But waves of fear still break the shore so we humbly ask for prayer and encouragement. Prayer for peace. Prayer for Josh and I to be united in marriage during this profoundly stressful and chaotic season. Prayer for my pregnancy and this baby.

Thank you for walking along side us and encouraging us. Most importantly, thank you for lifting us up to the one who holds the stars.

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